Faces and Figures Collection

Here is an eclectic sampling of my drawings and paintings of human subjects: both portraits and figure drawings. You will notice how my style and approach varies widely, depending on each particular subject and my vision and interest at the moment. For me personally, working with the human subject is what offers me the greatest challenge as well as the most joy. I hope you enjoy what you find here and find some pieces that speak to you — sometimes with delight and sometimes, perhaps, disturbing your own normal perceptions and preconceptions.

“Every portrait I do of a human being is simultaneously an act of both outer and inner exploration: both that of my subject and of my own inner landscape. It is an act of both self-transcendence and getting in touch with what is what is deeply hidden in my own heart. Drawing an painting are an artist’s equivalent of Holy Communion. I approach it with the same sense of awe and adoration. When done rightly, it is God’s own kiss.” (Tom Webber)